However, you can easily get it from any third-party source. Talking about Downloadhub app, it is not available on the Google play store for obvious policy reasons. These apps are also illegal like piracy sites. That’s why piracy sites are coming with android and ios apps. Piracy sites owner knows that around 80% of the internet users are on mobile. However, millions of users are still doing it. Sharing, watching, and downloading movies/software from torrent/piracy websites like Downloadhub may land you in big trouble. We are focusing on piracy because it is a crime in India. Let me remind you once again, Downloadhub is a piracy website. One feature which makes this website unique is that the movies are available in 300MB size with dual audio for mobile users. T he movies are available in various formats (360p, 420p, 720p or 1080p). Besides movies, you can also download TV shows, web series, and video songs from this site. Often the free download of new movies gets available on the day of release. Downloadhub is getting popular day by day due to the easy availability of the latest movies.